Your personal computer or laptop is exactly that, personal. If your going to have someone from Townsville computer repairs look at something that is personal to you, you want to make sure they are the right person for the job.
Here is why you should choose Townsville computer repairs Nerds to look at your computer or laptop.
The first question people ask me when they speak to me on the phone is, “How much do you charge an hour?” Most Townsville computer repairs businesses charge over $100 an hour r to come out to your house or business to look at your computer problems. I think that is really unfair to the customer and I wont do it. What if I charged $99 /hr and it took me all day to remove a virus. It would be cheaper for you to by a whole brand new computer.
Therefore, I don’t charge by the hour. I charge by the job and I quote you in advance so you know you wont be stuck with a massive computer repair bill.
If your worried you might get stuck with a big computer repair bill, give me a call and I will come out to your house for a 100% FREE no obligation quote. If you don’t accept my quote it’s no worries at all.
No Call Out Fee – No Fix No Fee – Townsville computer repairs
How ridiculous it is to charge people to drive to their house or business to look at their computer, when they are already paying you, or want a quote. I don’t charge a call out fee to come to your home or business, even if it is to come and give you a quote.
Also, if I do quote you and it takes me all day and I still don’t fix the problem, I wont charge you. It’s plain wrong to charge someone for something that is not fixed or for just driving out. Even though I am in my late 30’s I am still scared of my mum and if she found out I was doing that I would be in trouble. And I am still scared of my mum.
Quick Service
We understand you rely on your computer or laptop, not just for work or business, but for basic communication, entertainment and pay bills etc. It’s a necessity for both your home or business. Townsville computer repairs want to get your job done as soon as possible. If we can repair it there and then on the spot we will. If it needs more work we will take it with us overnight and work on it while you are a sleep.
Of course your computer is personal to you. I understand your computer or laptop is an extension of you and what you do. You don’t want someone handling your personal belonging who you do not trust. Over the past 15 years Townsville Nerds has built up a relationship of over 9000 people who trust us. Please view some of our glowing reviews on our Google Plus page or the a review made by one of our happy customers Mrs McIntyre.
When you call Townsville computer repairs Nerds you are getting someone you can rely on. We always come to our appointments. On the rare occasion we are running late because the job before yours unexpectedly took longer than expected we will give you plenty of notice and not just leaving you sitting there wonder where we are. Townsville Nerds have a reputation of being friendly, affordable and reliable!
After Hours Service
How much more do you expect to be changed for someone coming out to your house for after hours services? We wont charge you any more than we would during regular hours. I understand everyone has different schedules and works different hours. It would be simply unfair to charge one customer one price and another person a different price based on the time of day. When you are looking where to get your computer repaired in Townsville, you will be satisfied no matter when you call Townsville Nerds to fix your computer or laptop, you will be charged the same as everybody else.
Who wants someone coming into their house or business who can not communicate with them with what is going on. No one! Even if you call me on the phone you will see I am very easy to talk to. Although I am a computer nerd, I wont treat you like one. I speak like a human being, not like a machine. I’ll talk to you like you don’t know whats going on with your computer in terms and a way you will understand. I spend my whole day sitting behind peoples computers so I am always looking for the opportunity to talk to people and plenty of my customers have become friends over the years. One even comes on holidays with me!