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    Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

    Month: June 2016

    Windows 10 Upgrade townsville laptop computer man

    No network connection – Part 1

     One of the most annoying things when using your computer is no network connection. For most people, especially home users there would probably no need to use a computer or have one if you had no internet. Loosing your Internet connection or LAN (Local Area Network) connection can happen for a lot of reasons and most of them really depend… Read more →


    Streaming Devices – Apple TV vs Roku

    Streaming devices are little box’s like your Austar or Foxtel box you use to watch any type of media like movies, TV Shows and look at Photos. But instead of over the cable networks or satellites, you use your internet connection to view what you are looking at. Although Australia has nowhere near the amount of services you can use… Read more →

    Townsville computer repairs Nerds

    Helpful Netflix

    Although Townsville Nerds is primarily a computer repair business and website, every now and again I come across something from my customers which I think is a great idea and I would like to share. If you don’t already have Netflix you should seriously think about getting it. Netflix is basically a website or app depending on how you are… Read more →

    youtube tips townsville

    Can I get a Virus from Youtube

    Every now and again I get a customer who believes Youtube put a Virus on their computer. Although it is not out of the realm of possibility, it is highly unlikely. Youtube is owned by Google, a very big and profitable internet company. Google makes a lot of its money through advertisements, they probably do not need to put a viruses on your… Read more →

    Microsoft Scammers

    Most Common Online Scam June 2016

    The most common scam we are seeing this June 2016, maybe the most common scam throughout all of 2016 so far is there one where the victim actually calls the scammer and allows them to take control of their computer. For a long while for the past 10 years there have been countless reports of people calling Australians with foreign sounding… Read more →

    Windows 10 Upgrade townsville laptop computer man

    Things to think about before installing Windows 10 – Part 2

    Forced updates causing crashes With Windows computers 1 shoe does not fit all. But with Windows updates thats what you sometimes get and not being able to change what updates you want to receive can cause problems and conflicts between drivers and programs. A bad update that causes a conflict, specially regarding drivers can cause your computer to stop booting… Read more →

    Windows 10 Upgrade townsville laptop computer man

    Things to think about before installing Windows 10 – Part 1

    Windows 10 is a nice upgrade from Windows 8 and 8.1. Windows 8 had mixed results and a lot of people either loved it or hated it. I didn’t mind Windows 8 at all and I still use it on a couple of my computers at home. Windows 10 has also been a very nice free upgrade and I quite… Read more →

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